
This is Jackie's story about her myofascial experience with Revive Rehab.
Jackie C

Its been two months of therapy with you after the negative experience I had with the intense PT previously prescribed. Since working with you the pain has gone down to zero. For the past three weeks I have required zero extra strength Tylenol and no anti-inflammatory pills. I am medication free and able to walk longer distance and also played tennis singles once without any discomfort or pain. Which is pretty good for an 85 year young man. All of you have been very helpful and I want to Thank You for your skills, empathy , professionalism in reliving the pain associated with three herniated disks, arthritis and stenosis.
Thank You and God Bless !!!
Frank K

I stumbled upon Revive Rehab accidentally after suffering for months with debilitating tailbone pain. I had tried two physical therapy providers and both focused on pretty invasive joint manipulation (very painful) and most of the session was spent lying on a table with a heating pad. From the first appointment, I knew Revive Rehab was different. Darly's assessment pointed to connective tissue restrictions (involving my hip flexors and psoas muscle) and she used gentle pressure to soften and release the tightness that was actually causing the pain. Over a few months I met with both Darly and Mandy and, in my opinion, they are both miracle workers! My treatment plan is complete but I continue the stretches and connective tissue work at home with the tools they suggested. This place is five stars - I love them!!!!
Carol K

Darly is amazing!I have been working with Darly for some chronic pain issues, and she is incredible. She is so knowledgeable, and seems to intuitively know how to heal, to help relieve pain and discomfort. She is passionate about what she does, and does it very well! A very kind and compassionate person too.
Shahla K

I really benefited very well from my Myofascial Release treatment . It was fantastic! I liked it all very much. The Staff is outstanding...always very kind and gentle. I would go in with a smile and come out with a bigger one each time!!!. Thank you so very much for your thoughtful caring and attention to my needs. I would recommend this treatment to any and everyone. I actually already have recommended it to two friends who are also grateful for their treatment.
Barbara P

Recently Mandy has been helping me to ease pain in leg and foot and to maintain a working jaw after a severe TMJ problem. Not only is Mandy a good therapist but also she is a good educator. If I had trouble with a specific exercise, she came up with an alternate way to get the same result. She taught me exercises that I will need to continue doing. Several days without her "bucket exercise" and my leg is hurting more. I am very thankful for Darly, Mandy and the staff at Revive Rehab.
Cynthia P

OUTSTANDING STAFF! They are very competent. I received treatment and great results for issues that I've been receiving treatment for, for years, with no results. My quality of life has substantially improved! THANK YOU!
Ed H.
Retired Clinical Pharmacist and Consultant

Darly Thoppil is the only therapist who truly helped relieve my back and leg pain after 14 years of pain. I had been to PT, pain management, deep massage therapy, exercises, medication, and had several epidurals. None of that helped for more than a few days to several weeks, I have recommended Revive Rehab to several friends and relatives.
Linda B.
Retired teacher/administrator

Great personalities and excellent care. So very helpful to my particular discomfort.
Nita B.
I have gotten incredible relief after seeing Darly Thoppil. I had tension headaches which Dr. Thoppil was able to pinpoint as tension in my neck, shoulders, and spine. As it turns out my spine was compressed. It is amazing that I could get such relief from performing a few specific stretches each day. Dr. Thoppil taught me the stretches so that when I feel myself tensing up again I can relieve the pain myself and not have to make an appointment to come in for treatment. That in itself is comforting to know that I am equipped to relieve my tension all on my own. Dr. Thoppil has a very soothing, peaceful personality as well. She is a real treasure that I recommend highly!
Kimberly F.

I suffered from lower back pain for years, but two years go, I developed severe, acute pain on my right side, which effected my entire lifestyle. I reached a point where I could not get out of bed without holding on to the night stand to help me up. I was limping, and unable to bend to do daily chores. The pain was exhausting and debilitating, draining my energy and impacting my mood. For two years, I saw physical therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists, yoga therapists, and I even tried mindful meditation, seeking relief. I found a specific, non-invasive chiropractic method called Activator which offered temporary relief, but nobody could explain why the condition was not getting better. A day or two after getting relief, the pain was back again. Finally I discussed this with my Doctor at my physical, and she recommended Darly at Revive Rehab, whom she heard about from another patient, and saw Darly herself for treatment. I’m so glad I booked that appointment! After a few visits, Darly not only started relieving my pain through specialized Myofascial work, but diagnosed the source as coming from my psoas muscle (hip flexor) in front. The reason adjustments never held was because the myofascial tissue in the psoas and surrounding area was pulling my hip front again, knocking out my alignment. Each visit, she followed the tight fascial tissue, releasing different connecting areas. I began to realize that each of the specialists I’d seen for years had identified and worked on a specific area, but Darly used her myofascial training to identify that the source of my back pain was actually in my front. She uses the John Barnes’ Myofascial Release Techniques to release all of the myofascial restrictions in my body. It was like magic. Additionally, she taught me specific core exercises to help my specific weak spots, and exercises to avoid.I am no longer “acute”, and if I do my exercise regularly, I am close to pain free on a regular basis! Before I met Darly, I had almost given up thinking I would feel “normal” again. Darly is a wonderful, caring, gifted person, who understands and works with the entire body, spends the time, listens, cares, and obviously loves her work.
Laura F.

Dear Darly,
Want to thank all of you in the office for the treatment I have received. I consider all of you my personal "healing hands" angels. I will never forget how nicely you have treated me, and help me get through in my life. I really don't know how to express myself to the staff in this office how much I have appreciated each one of you. Keep those "healing hands" working! Will miss you.
Myriam B.

This is a special place. A place that has helped me, begin to heal and regain my physical and mental wellbeing, through myofascial release therapy. Darly and the team, with the insights and training of John F. Barnes, has provided relief and hope. Hope and progress that other therapies, over the last 40 plus years, did not in the end achieve. Plus I enjoy sharing a cup of coffee with Darly and the team at Revive Rehab.
Jeff P.

In 2009 I was diagnosed with brachioradial pruritus. It is an intense itching sensation of the arms; sometimes so severe that it would wake me up during the night, and scratching my arms would make the itching worse; sometimes causing bleeding. Nothing would help - I tried many over the counter medications, many oral medicines recommended by neurologists or allergist and nothing helped. Ice would give me temporary relief. I even tried acupuncture, without success and some herbal bark with vinegar was almost a last resort, again without success. Then good news: I met Darly Thoppil, OTR/L,Occupational Therapist, Myofascial Therapist. On my very first appointment with her,she knew exactly the therapy I needed and my problem was beginning to be solved. I immediately had less itching and with each treatment since, I have had great improvement. Darly has taught me stretching exercises for my neck (from where the disease originates, in the nerves of my neck), and as I have improved so much with her therapy, I have great hopes of being completely healed from this horrible disease. I am on the cusp of complete recovery. Darly Thoppil and her Myofacial Therapy have been a miracle for me!
Joan L.

Dear Darly,
Thank you so much for the therapy sessions after my orthopaedic surgery on my shoulder while I was in severe pain. With your wonderful, loving caring and dedicated approach to my treatment, I have regained good mobility of my shoulder and I am not having severe pain anymore. As I always told you, you have “hands of an angel” and it was with that touch that I attribute my healing. I also gained a dear friend as well.
Thank you
Maderia Gaworski, Callahan, FL

I had only small issues with back pain until recently. I have always been a pretty active person. I am 51 now and about a year ago, I was starting to get some age-related aches and pains. My main problem was being comfortable in bed sleeping through the night. My lower back stiffness would wake me up and would sometimes make me get up. In the months leading up to finding Revive Rehab, I had been through 3 mattresses, 2 chiropractors, several books, and had just about given up on getting relief for my back pain/discomfort. I realized it was among other things, a strength- stretching issue, so I asked my primary care doctor for a referral to physical therapy. He sent me to Darly Thoppil at Revive Rehab. I am very happy he did.
I felt immediate relief at the start of the treatment. What Darly also did was give me clear instruction on both why my pain was occurring and what specific exercises and stretches I needed to do to maintain things myself. I will also tell you that I felt she took a personal interest in how I was doing and truly was focused on me getting better and staying better. Darly's approach with Myofascial Release is really effective. It has really increased my awareness of, and my knowledge of stretching. I have never been very flexible, but I have learned through this process, that even if you are not flexible, you can improve your flexibility through stretching. If you have pain of any type, I think she can help you
Rick Holmes, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL